Chairs & Couches

Lolling chair

This is a reproduction of one Martha Washington had and is made of mahogany. The back (covered in fabric) is made of maple. The chair was upholstered (not by me!) using horse hair which was authentic material in the 1700s.

Cherry Couch

The contemporary design is a reproduction from one I found in a house in the Berkshires where I had been invited to stay. The owners were somewhat horrified to awake in the morning to find me taking pictures and measurements overturned their furniture. I never got invited back but I got enough
information to make the couch. The curved armrests were hand planed. The narrow curved rails were made using a to laminate three pieces of thin cherry. Width is 87”.

Mud room bench and shelf

These are made from finished plywood that was dadoed for strength and painted in high gloss white. The baskets were ordered from Pottery Barn. Dimensions of bench are 49” wide and 22” high.